Performance Training Exercise: Split Stance Row

By Ryan Provencher

The “Split Stance Row” exercise utilizes the Horizontal Pull Movement Pattern to develop strength for firefighting tasks such as pulling hose, lifting equipment, and hoisting tools.

Great loading options include the Kettlebell (featured here), Dumbbell, and Sandbag. Adjust the weight and exercise tempo to increase or decrease the intensity of your training.

Starting Position

  • Begin in a long split stance position with feet slightly wider than hip width apart.

  • Drive back heel down to engage posterior chain while maintaining alignment of back leg, spine, and head.

  • Front leg set at 90 degrees, stabilizing through your front hip.

  • Loaded arm is extended with shoulder pulled back and down.

  • Your free arm is flexed in a ready position.

Upward Movement

  • Pull your elbow into your ribs as you lift the kettlebell.

  • Maintain stability through your shoulder while minimizing any other movement in your body.

  • Exhale into upward movement.

Downward Movement

  • Control the weight as you extend your arm.

  • Inhale into the starting position.

6-Point Self-Check

Maintain proper body position and movement quality for each repetition as fatigue sets in. Be mindful of this quick "Self-Check" as you perform this exercise as directed above:

  1. Head: Maintain a neutral position with eyes forward, avoid moving head up or down.

  2. Torso: Keep the torso rigid as you pull the kettlebell into your ribs, avoid any twisting or turning of the shoulders.

  3. Hips "Pull" your feet inward slightly (toes of the back foot, heel of front foot) to engage the glutes/hips and anchor your body.

  4. Legs: Front knee is stable at 90 degrees, back leg is fully extended and locked.

  5. Shoulders: Shoulders are packed back and down throughout the movement.

  6. Arms: Active arm returns to full extension between repetitions, opposite arm is flexed in a ready position.

Other Resources:

Link to Dynamic Warm-Up Exercise: Dynamic Arm Pull

Link to Flexibility Cool-Down Exercise: Kneeling Arm Thread

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Ryan Provencher is an Operations Battalion Chief with over 30 of Fire Service experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Exercise Science with a Minor in Nutrition from Washington State University. He has extensive experience as a Fire Department Peer Fitness Trainer and Health/Fitness Coordinator, he is the founder of Firefighter Peak Performance and serves as Executive Fitness Advisor for CRACKYL Magazine.


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