Performance Training Exercise: Shoulder Loaded Walking Lunge

By Ryan Provencher

The “Shoulder Loaded Walking Lunge” utilizes the Lunge Movement Pattern to build lower body muscular strength and endurance for firefighting tasks such as hose deployment and carrying a hose bundle up flights of stairs.

Great loading Options Include the Steel Club (featured here), Sandbag, Hose Bundle. Adjust the weight and exercise tempo to increase or decrease the intensity of your training.

Starting Position

  • Stand tall with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.

  • Your back is straight from the top of the head to the tailbone with the load resting on one shoulder.

  • Stabilize the load with the same side hand, the opposite arm is relaxed at your side.

Downward Movement

  • Take a step forward with your lead foot, ensuring your stride is long enough to achieve 90-degree angles with both knees in the bottom position

  • Lower your body straight down towards the ground by bending both knees, keeping your torso upright

  • Your front knee should be directly above your ankle, and your back knee should hover just above the ground without touching it

Upward Movement

  • Push through the heel of your front foot to straighten your front leg, engage your glutes and quadriceps to powerfully lift your body as you step into the repetition with your opposite leg

  • Repeat the movement using a walking stride as you alternate steps with each leg

Your 6-Point Self-Check

Maintain proper body position and movement quality for each repetition as fatigue sets in. Be mindful of this quick "Self-Check" as you perform this exercise as directed above:

  1. Head: Maintain a neutral position with eyes forward, avoid moving head up or down

  2. Torso: Keep the torso upright and rigid through the downward and upward movement

  3. Hips: Keep hips engaged and stable as you step backward and forward

  4. Legs: Front and back legs are at 90 degrees in the bottom position, avoid leaning over the front leg

  5. Shoulders: Shoulders are packed back and down as you stabilize the load throughout the movement

  6. Arms: The same side arm secures the load, the opposite arm flexes and extends as outlined above

Other Resources:

Link to Dynamic Warm-Up Exercise: Knee to Chest/Heel to Glute

Link to Flexibility Cool-Down Exercise: Kneeling Quad Stretch

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Ryan Provencher is an Operations Battalion Chief with over 30 of Fire Service experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Exercise Science with a Minor in Nutrition from Washington State University. He has extensive experience as a Fire Department Peer Fitness Trainer and Health/Fitness Coordinator, he is the founder of Firefighter Peak Performance and serves as Executive Fitness Advisor for CRACKYL Magazine.


Performance Training Exercise: Overhead Press - One Arm
